This bitch was 19 when she had this body. How come nobody drove my fat ass to the gym when I was 19.
I remember when I was in junior high/high school. I was never the one to care about wearing makeup, getting my hair done was a necessity more than a privledge, and the clothing items that I desired were a brand new pair of tennis shoes or a nike jogging suit from the boys' department at some store. I have always been kind of a tomboy, but I have never been a girly-girl at all. I never even carried a purse until my 20's.
My first year of college I was in for the shock of my life. Freshman girls were walking around in full faces of makeup, heels, hair done, with their cute purses, and (gulp) dressy clothes. Here I am unpacking my thousandth nike sweatshirt with matching tennis shoes, and I'm sitting here thinking I was the shit. My how times have changed; but not in the way that you think.
I still am not a big fan of dressing up, but I own more girly clothes now so that people won't think I'm a lesbian. I'm not a big shoe person, I usually rotate between three pairs of flip flops, and on the weekends, nikes. I have spent hundreds of dollars on expensive shoes that I didn't even know I still own. After many painful nights going to the club in heels, I have discovered that I hate them because I have flat long feet and heels are not exactly fun time at the park for me. I do spend a lot of money of purses though, unfortunately.
What sparks this yet another self-realization post is that I was in to the restaurant and they're were a group of young white girls. It was about 8 of them, and the only reason that you could tell them apart is their different hair lengths and heights, and I swear to god these bitches are getting smaller. All of these hoes had platinum blonde hair, cute little flirty feminine outfits, and they all look to be size 0's. I believe that a lot of young white women are natrually lower in mass anyway due to lack of ass tissue, but these bitches had eating disorders. All of them. They all had muscular legs, which usually means they run to stay skinny.
What has drastically changed about our society within the last 9-10 years that young people are encouraged to take of themselves. I wasn't. More importantly, why the hell did my parents let me go out the house looking like that? I didn't know I like shit. Nobody really even told me how bad I which means they were probably used to it. I guess I was too busy experimenting with my own fashion disasters thinking that I was being stylish or original, as opposed to trifling which is the reality of how I actually looked.
So I would like to take this opportunity to thank my mother and father for letting me go out the house looking questionable at best, because if they hadn't I would not have experienced the trials and tribualtions such as the reality that I will always have trouble finding a pair of pants that fit my waist, dresses that don't make me look like I weigh 200 pounds at the bottom, as well as the harsh reality that when you wear a size 10 shoe, finding a cute pair on sale is pretty much a lost cause.
Do I need to bring up what happened when I tried to tell you about that chocolate lipstick you loved to wear???
I believe the rebuttle quote was " least I wear lipstick that everybody can see..". There was also a horrible wet'n'wild pink color involved.
I remember. Don't forget the pregnant pause that preceded the rebuttle. (You know the pause where you were shocked by my audacity and started looking me over preparing to cut me down and let me know that I was in no position to tell you anything about your lipstick when mine was pepto bismol pink.)The angry delivery of the rebuttle. (The angry scowl, and repositioning of weight preparing to cuss me out if I said another word)And finally the pregnant pause that followed. (That uncomfortable moment where we both decided for the sake of friendship to stop right there)
I stopped wearing the pink lipstick that day. And yes it was wet n' wild!!!!
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