WARNING: Not Dial-up Friendly
I was watching a old episode of America's Next Top Model on VH1, and they were showing the second season when it occured to me how fixed it is and how much of a fucking cunt Tyra is. The show should be renamed Tyra Banks's Survivor or A Day in the life of Tyra the Life Ruiner instead of America's Next Top Model.
I will write this post as I am speaking to someone has never watched America's Next Top Model before. Faithful viewers I'm not insulting your intelligence.
Tyra has twelve finalists, she kicks off the biggest threat first.
This is the first girl is the first girl kicked off season 5.
This girl made it to the top 4:
Tyra kicked the first girl off because she said something in her initial interview to the judges about having "a pretty gene". The second girl wore diaper for one of the photo shoots and pissed in her diaper as a joke, and she was mean to the other girls, and that she was a drunk. When they did finally send her home, she didn't have a bad photo shoot really, the judges (by judges I mean Tyra) just made up some bullshit reason to send her home.
You see, Tyra is such a bitch she kicks off every one first who is a threat to her and leaves the girls who do not have a chance in hell to make fools out of themselves for most of the show. She usually leaves one person who actually stands a chance in the modeling world to the final 2, and picks some random ass winner.
Speaking of which...
Next up:
The runner-up
And the winner:
She knew good and well that girl was not going to do anything post Top Model because she's stupid and country. Shit, she looks it.
And don't even try to say anything to me about this bitch:
The only reason we even remember her name is because she's Missy Elliott's kept bitch. That's why we randomly see her ass on these awards shows. Not because she's "successful" You can quote me on that if you see her.
Oh, yeah the winner gets a 4-page layout in Elle girl or some major magazine. I would be pissed if I went through all of this bullshit on national television, just for this to happen:
This is the second season winner Yoanna whom I believe is the only one out of all the winners who actually looks like a model and seemingly knew something about fashion. For that, she has been reduced (by reduced I mean insecure ass Tyra blacklisting her) to hosting "The Look for Less" on the style channel never to be seen or heard from ever again.
Fuck you, Tyra. You can quote me on that if you see her.
Yes, that's exactly what I'm saying. Tyra will never pick anybody on that show that looks better or has any potential to make in the business. They're younger and they will overshadow her. ANTM is a reality show, and that's all it will ever be.
I think you post these just so I can go on a written tirade. I'll update my blog just to talk about how much I hate Tyra too.
Damn!! Did she just HAVE to use Yoanna as a prop in her photo?
I dont quite understand your critisism of the woman. What motivation would she have to just bring people onto her show and then be totally subjective and shit on the best models. It is in her best interest to make the show appealing and produce the best models. And why would she even begin to be intimidated by some of these upstarts? She is where they want to be. And has modeled as long as they have been alive. In fact she doesnt even really model anymore cuz she doesnt have to. Shes got a tv show and has most of the entertainment world at her disposal. It just doesnt add up Vag. This black woman has created her own world with a combination of hard work and mostly great genes, but what is there to hate? I honestly dont know what there is to dislike. I luv ya vag but dont let your hate get the best of ya. Im proud of her so lets clap it up for Miss Banks. She deserves it.
Tyra Banks is not a cunt. She's a fake superficial insensitive cunt-bitch. The only show worse than A.N.T.M is her lame talk show. She gives the attitude that she is so much better and above everyone. I don't see how anyone can possibly even want to be a guest on her fucked up show. Some of the topics on her show she has, she has NO BUSINESS even trying to give her opinions or her views and thoughts, but she does so in a very belittling way. She reminds me a popular girl in school being fake nice to a nerd and making fun of them in such a passive way that the nerd doesn't know it but everyone else does. To make her feel better about herself. If you ever watch the show (which I am definatley not recommending) look at her when it is time for commercial break, she ignores the guests face buried in her q cards, or she just gets up and walks away. God I hope they cancel that fucking show, surely they can replace her slot with something more worthwhile.The only people more stupid than her audience are the "guests" who put themselves up for her abuse.
Admittedly that is very possible.
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