I've been trying the post the actual interview that's on youtube.com , but alas Blogger sucks
After this interview I officially do not feel sorry for Britney Spears anymore.
This bitch is playing us hard.
Its painfully obvious that she knows her career is over and she cannot live without attention, and the only way she knows how is to keep the tabloids talking about her. I know Ms. Spears herself orchestrated all this because it also appears that she does not have a publicist. No handler in their right mind would not let her go on TV looking and sounding like that.
Also, I officially don't feel bad for her anymore for these two reasons. A) She never once calls her son by his name, she refers to him repeatedly as my baby; like a prized object or a new puppy. This is evident that her baby is more like a pretty, shiny new toy to her than an actual human being she needs to raise and care for. Disturbing
B) She's a really bad liar. Also, proof that she does not have a publicist because if she did; they would have prepped her hard for this interview.
Bitch, you knew they were going to ask you about Kevin. The two things, actually the only two things you need to do if you don't do anything else is look Matt Lauer straight in the eye when he asks you a question, not to the right, every five seconds, stupid bitch.
The second thing is, this is Dateline, child. Not some hillbilly talk show shit on CMT. Look stunning. Have your shit together, so at the very least the public will distracted by how fantastic you look so they can't really focus on how stupid you are. You will be able to get away a lot more shit in the public eye if you at look good. Hell, you see what it did for Angelina.
My posts have been running a little long lately and I can go on with this subject. But I will get off my soapbox now and let you discuss amongst yourselves.
the thing that killed it for me, for real is when she was talking about her line of baby clothes, and when matt lauer asked her if she likes business, she said "I like money." If she gets no publicity, she gets less money period. Why else would she put out a reality show show about her and Kevin's sexlife!! Like I said, I could go on.
I still feel sorry for her. It's obvious that she's not exactly the brightest of bulbs. I think she should be put on suicide watch, honestly...I read such awful things everyday about people making fun of her. Thing is, I'm not sure if she's smart enough to figure out how to fashion a noose. I think her mother ruined her. She never got a chance to be a kid, so when she finally was old enough to get some freedom, she went too far. She's ruined. I don't see her bouncing back like Madonna has numerous times. This has gone too far. I see her becoming fatter and bitter--a joke. Poor kid. All that money and she doesn't look happy.
In other news, that clip on her website she has of her new song, "Rebellion" has to be the most godawful racket I've ever heard in my life.
Britney thinks that she's in control of the way people perceive her. She's delusional, but she's happy with her delusion.
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