Alright, therapy is making some headway. Because guess what, I'm over my Beyonce jealousy!!!
Well, I know you're thinking, if you're so over it then why are you writing about it? Because of so many reasons, I've been so jealous of her since Destiny's Child first came out, I was jealous of her looks, and her "talent". Also, what bothered me so much about her is the fact that she she has always led such a privledged life -- she grew up wealthy, she can actually sing, has a boyfriend with even more money than her, and although not the smartest tool in the shed, she stil seemed genuinely nice. Boy, that was a fucking lie. The bitchiness even comes out in her interviews now. Thank god for the internet, more specifically the comment sections on celebrity sites, because I would be totally naive. I wonder do all these celebrities know that all of their assholishness is fully publicized to the American public, and its come to light that now in the age of internet and fakeness via Paris Hilton, everything that is usually deemed as A-list or successful is completely fake bullshit crafted by publicists and marketing teams. And she my dear, is no different.
As a duty to my American public and myself, I present this little gem I found on
"I work for a popular magazine and have worked on several of Beyonce's photo shoots(as well as those of other big stars)and OMG is she a beyotch! She got one girl fired for bringing her water she said was too cold(although she told us to put it in the freezer because it was really hot at the outdoor shoot). She is soooo stupid that she makes Paris Hilton look like a Rhodes Scholar or a member of MENSA! She grew up wealthy but can't manage to form coherent sentences. One of her slaves/family members always has to translate her gobbledygook into english for us. Did you see her on Punk'd? She thought those poor kids Xmas was ruined and she did not give a flying f@#%! She posed for pics like nothing happened and brushed off the little kid that spoke to her. They finally just ended it because she was so nonchalant about it that it wasn't even entertaining. Trust me-she's fat! We airbrush her like there's no tomorrow. she has so much cellulite and so many discolorations on her skin it's just gross. She recently lost weight and that's good for her but I hope she loses the 'tude as well. By the way-as for her 'incredible body'-can you say..LIPO! We had to airbrush the scars for like an hour! As for the person that said she was shy and quiet when she met her-HA! She just felt you were so beneath her you weren't worth speaking to! She does her best acting in photos and interviews pretending she's not a royal pain in the a$$! She even yells at her cousin who works for(who is nice)-that poor girl is a saint! I hope she gets caught on tape one day showing her TRUE colors so you poor naive suckers can see the truth and stop worshipping this idiot! All her songs are love or sex and half(or more) of them make no sense!(Your sexiness is so appealing I can't let it go?!) She learned a new word-YAAY! Hooked on Phonics might be working for her!"
Yes, this very well may be completely made up. But do you really believe it is?
So bye, bye Beyonce. You're not all that.
Also, check out my best friend's blog. She hates her, too.
I hate on Beyonce for other reasons... like her maintaining popularity even though she has no real talent... her "love" for Jay-Z, aka the black goldfish... and her fake ass blonde hair. Chick give it up, you're hair is not really blonde.
I don't believe random ass postings on the 'nets though but I will check out that one "Punk'd".
congratulations on being "over" Beyonce. Maybe now you can change the description on your profile and put in something great about you.
LOL this is serious! LOL
OMG!!!! She's not an angel, oh what will the world do? People get over yourselves. Especially you vagitas, saying your over Beyonce. Please! If you were so over her why must you make a statement about it, that proves you aren't. On the real it seems like your blogs are about bringing others down, because on the inside you really can't stand yourself. Your mad because your not rich, obviously not pretty (in your eyes), and want something you think you should have but can't. Beyonce is human, pure human. There are a plethora of celebrities with nasty attitudes that are rich. Being rich is just that, rich! Money doesn't discriminate for anybody the only color it sees is green. So if you got it, you got it. If not, then you need to figure out a way to get it and stop complaining and drowning in your own misery. You people amaze me every single time. Beyonce this, Beyonce that, damn can she have a life too. So what if she got scars, its like y'all want her to be imperfect when she has already publicly declared that she is not. I'm not the defense spokesperson for Beyonce or any other celebrity cause none of them pay my bills or will ever pay yours. Y'all need to get a life and stop being so damn hateful. Oh, being wealthy is not everything, only you can bring yourself happiness, money can't! Trust me, people with money are not happy go-lucky. Life gives everyone blows, with money or not. It's called life, Live it!
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