Friday, September 15, 2006

He's not that into you

I don't remember if I had posted this before, but I have recently read the book He's not that into you as well as its sequel, Its called a Breakup because its Broken. Changed my life, for real.

I never realized until I read that book just how much shit I took from men until now. I never realized until I read that book how much shit a lot of women took until now.

See I live in a state where the median age of getting married is 23. And I never realized until reading that book, just exactly how many women actually do not like their significant others. They just put up with it because they don't want to be alone. My cousin, whom I love dearly, is currently with living with a guy who she has been with for 5 years, has 2 kids with, and for some unbelknownst reason he's not ready to be married yet. She punched him in the face last week because she found 3 girls phone numbers in his car, that she co-signed for. When confronted about said numbers, he replied they were old friends getting back in touch with each other. And to think, she's one of the most confident people I know. But she's in love.

I was part of that statistic too, not even going to lie. One line in the book says something about not liking yourself so much, that every little gesture that a man shows that is nice, you take it and run with it. I do that. I also realized after reading this book just how insecure my male friend was. One of the biggest things that I loved about him was his security, realized it couldn't be further from the truth.

As for said male friend that I talked about last post, I'm still very much in limbo about what I'm going to do. I haven't talked to him since I came back from my trip (on purpose), but now I know I cannot talk to him until I know exactly what I'm going to do. I know this time its real, because it pains me not to answer his call. The accidental time I picked up the phone, I said I was busy. He's been calling me more, but I realize its jealousy/insecurity, not him "wanting" me.

What a dick, I'm so over this shit.


Anonymous said...

That is a great book. I am currently in the process of reading it. I hope that I get just as much out of it as you did.


cookie21204 said...

The book is common sense, but that's kind of the genius of it, a perfect stranger who seemingly knows what's going on in different versions of fucked up realtionships and telling us in so many ways that we're better than this shit and how we shouldn't accept scraps, and a lot of us do.