Hmm, I haven't hated on Beyonce in a long time, I think its time for a refresher course.
I don't know if you all have seen Destiny's Child's new video, "Stand Up for Love". It is quite possibly the cheesiest thing I have ever seen. The song is the World Children's Day anthem, so its not like they can walk around in midriffs and shit. What bothers me the most about this video is the fact that they made Beyonce look like a straight up white girl. I don't mean really light skinned, I mean Caucasian persuasion for real.
Don't get me wrong, Beyonce is light. That whole scandal with Vanity Fair saying that they lightened her pictures is bull. You look at her early childhood photos, she is yellow. But there has never been a problem mistaking her for being a black woman. In this video, that is severely questioned. I think its the superstraight blonde hair, and that awful makeup. (Sorry about the bad screencap)

Continuing on with my Beyonce hating, you may be aware that she has a clothing line coming out. I saw her on TRL the other day and she was wearing one of the "creations". It was a denim dress and the top looked like a vest. It was some of the the kuntriest(yes with a k) shit I have ever seen. I can hear her mama whispering in her ear, "Baby this makes you look so purrty, you should wear this". For example:

I was looking for the gold hot pants and the Dolly Parton hair she wore last year, but I hated this shit too. A world of no.
Speaking of celebrity clothing lines, I really hate it when stars do that. Its so obvious that they're only doing it for the money. But you won't make any money if it doesn't sell, and it won't sell if your fans don't want to dress like you. I like Alicia Keys but I'm not wearing spray painted on jeans and have the real size of butt exposed to the world. Then wear heels, so it can look even bigger? Oh, hell no.
The only one who I understand a little bit is Gwen Stefani, because she used to make all her own clothes when No Doubt first got big. I get that. I even understand J-lo, because even though she's fallen off lately, when she was on point she was on point. Its just that the her clothing line looks cheap. She doesn't even wear that shit anymore.
Pharrell has one out, BAPE? I believe its called. He wears it alll the time because he's the only one who can afford it. He's trying so hard to make it catch on. Got Jay-Z wearing sweatshirts and everything. Pharrell, if we wanted to dress like you we would go to Wal-mart little boys section and get some shirts. Then we'd go to Foot Locker and get some converse. Now that I think about I already dress like you. I need some shopping money. Donations anyone?
I've been in a critical state of boredom for about a week now... Unnecessary hating does provide an outlet.
Unbridled hate will get you no where. Just accept the fact that Beyonce is the perfect combination of beauty, a smoking ethnic body and musical genius including song writing and vocals. Lets accept her for who she is. She is a goddess sent to mingle with us mere mortals.
Turn away from your wicked ways and sin no more.
Beyonce isn't perfect and no one is "hating" on her. Mkay?
That having been said, she does try too hard to look white. I've seen her childhood photos. She has always been of a medium-brown complexion...that definitely isn't light-skinned (although most African-Americans think she is). Her mother, now THAT is a light-skinned woman. While the honey-blonde weave enhances the golden tones in her skin, there is something unsettling about a brown-skinned woman who appears to become lighter in color every year & walks around with silky blonde weave like it's her own hair. I'm not saying she isn't beautiful, but stop trying to resemble a white woman.
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