Back in the day, I realize I haven't really formed a taste yet, so I was all about him...

sigh...The stay video when he's talking all sexy and he bites his lip and rolls his head back. The video that we discovered he had hazel eyes. Every girl at my school was all about some Devante back then. Now he kind of looks like a crackhead...and I think he actually is now.

When I saw "oochie coohie" for the first time. I was like Devante who? Hell, if he was still out today I'd still wanna do him. He was foooine. Then he followed this with "brainstormin..." I was ready to give my life for this man. But then he dropped of the face of the earth. There was rumor going around that he had aids, but I think that replaced the DeVante being dead rumor. I don't think he even came out with a failed second album, He just quit. He was fooine.
I asked some young ladies who worked at my job who are either close to my age or a little younger who they think look good. Here are the responses I got.

He's ehhh. Overrated. Granted he was fine in "The best man",but I think its because we hadn't seen him in a little while and we were taken aback because he didn't have that fucked up wannabe flattop hair that he had in Boyz in the Hood. Its something very off about him that makes him unattractive to me. Maybe he's gay.

The favorite. I hear his name tossed around a lot. I think a lot of women get into the whole thug thing, and that's where his name comes up. I never got into the whole thug thing. But Cam'ron? I'm so sorry no man who is supposedly hard should be wearing pink. And does anyone remember "Horse and Carriage"? Yeah. Don't get it.
Now I have what we call the popular vote. The black men that are "attractive" by association. In other words, black men who white people lie and say that their fine, just because they're famous.

He was in the 50 most beautiful people this year. He was Wanda the ugly girl on In Living Color. You know why? Because he looks just like her. He's a bitch, too. He thinks he's Ray Charles, still almost a year after he won that damn Oscar.

The king of "I'm fine because I'm famous". Now I'm not gonna front, Back in the "U Remind Me" days, I would have totally done Usher. But the more famous he gets, the fruitier he becomes.
Now we come to what I call grown and sexy. Men who I think are just handsome.

These two are currently the father of my children. A lot of women tell me they do not like Terrence Howard, and they claim its because he's too light. Look at him!!!. Are you bitches blind!!! Terrence Howard has to make himself looks less attractive a lot so he can get roles. My other child's father Don Cheadle has always been appealing to me because he's so damn talented. He's a normal looking man with a seemingly very laid back personality who can command attention anytime he wants to. He has that "its something about him I can't put my finger on" appeal that is a lot of the time more important than looks.

I'm mad about this one. Blair Underwood is fine. He was fine on L.A. Law. He was fine when he was Robin Givens's boyfriend that Theo was jealous of on the Cosby Show. He's always been fine. But I was so blinded by Devante for so, so long. I didn't come to really appreciate the fineness that his him until he was on sex and the city last year. He is fine.
Here's my old standby:

I know, I know. But don't sit there and act like Ginuine offered to buy you a drink at the club you would say no, don't even lie and say you would say no.