Tuesday, August 23, 2005


I stumbled upon a little (by little I mean big) revelation in my further understanding of men this past weekend. I believe that this a key factor in my succession of dysfunctional relationships. I'm glad that I am exposed to this now; so that I may stop before things get out of control for a change.


So I've been friends with this guy for about 3 years. Let's call him...hmm...Drew. Drew and I seriously have been nothing more than friends, nothing even remotely close to anything affectionate has crossed my mind, ever. Just want to make that clear. Its just that type of person he is, he's not the type to make you feel like he's imagining you naked when you're around him. I have never lusted for Drew, he's always been the most perfect gentleman, very intelligent, in law school, never hesitates to give you anything you ask for. 3 years. Nothing.

There was a BBQ at my friend's house this past weekend. We were chilling and eating some chicken,turkey burgers, and having a couple of beers. So one of our other friends stops by and accompanying her is about a liter of vodka. We get this bright idea to play drinking games. Half a liter of vodka later, we are all talking about sex in very graphic detail. Basically up to this point, Drew had probably been the most asexual person I had ever met. He was going on about the things he had done to his ex-girlfriend and the girl he was currently screwing and we were all in slack-jawed shock. I'm still in shock.

He never said anything nasty to me persay, but he seems different now, weird. Did this in some sick, depraved way turn me on? If it did, it is because it has been a very long well executed effort to conceal his freaky side. He says after he sobered up; that the only reason I was in such shock is because I have never heard him talk like that. Umm, duh.... He also said that no matter whatever dude you are, its amazing how girls change their behavior towards you when they find out you're a freak.

Shit, he's right

Needless to say its been weird, at least for me. He looks at me with this look that says, "I know what you're thinking about what I said and I know you want to find out if its true." Dammit!!! he's right. The statements that he made were made with such a cavalier attitude, so calm, with such ease. I believe that's what shocked the hell out of me more than anything, he wasn't lying. Three years, I've known this boy and he might as well be gay to me. He makes one damn remark about eating pussy and I'm looking at him sideways out the corner of my eye.


I believe that the moral of the story is some men have us figured out more that what we are led to believe. There are perfectly polite, upstanding young men who do exist who you probably know and are friends with; you just don't care about them until you find out they're a freak. And, no I am not going to act on my curiosity because I still actually want to keep the actual few male friends that I have.

So if you will excuse me, Drew is walking by and I need to hurry up and hike my skirt.


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Unknown said...

Ure amazed? It amazes me that we men can still surprise you with things that you already know to be true. We are actually simple pretty predictable creatures but I think women try to make us more complicated than we are. If you keep in mind that no matter what man you meet and no matter how comfortable you may be with him and no matter how non threatning he may appear, that we still have testosterone pumping through our veins, then things like this shouldnt surprise you. Just a bit of insight. Now go forth and prosper.