I know, its been freaking forever since my last entry. But I can't help it my life is boring. That is not my fault, this event nothing to do with me.
I figure that since I'm currently incapable of completing a coherent though. Here are just a few random tidbits that I will give brief comments on.
1. I don't know if you all have seen the recent pictures of Beyonce and Jay-z in Europe recently. You probably haven't since I assume you all have lives. I went chatting on a community where several people discussing this very photo, and more than one mentioned how on earth someone can let their butt get that big. I'm not gonna front, my butt looks exactly like that with tight jeans on, so I know these anorexic bitches are saying the same shit about me. But ladies and gentleman, let me present the picture to you that has scared me into 6:00 a.m. spin classes.
yup, that's trina. I had a shot that was straight on her butt, but I'm still learning how to work photobucket, and she's not being very nice to me.
Anyhoo, I have been fooled along with the nation apparently into thinking that Trina had a cute shape. She sure thinks she has a cute shape that's why she's not wincing and covering herself with her hands. And, ladies and gentlemen especially anorexic white girls. That's what a big ass looks like.
2. The media is bullshit, people. All of its lies!!! So what else is new. Well, along with my several internet sources, I actually found out how old Destiny's Child really is. I'm not going to bust them out here; or "diss them on the internet" as beyonce once wrote. But everybody in the industry lies about their age, not just shave a couple of years off. A lot. There's a little child on the inside going "oooh, I'm tellin."
3. Laguna Beach, has literally taken over my life. I don't know what I will do with myself when this season ends.
4. So has Breaking Bonaduce.
5. I think I have finally kicked my light skinned men obsession. (Modern Temptress stop laughing), no seriously. Back in the day, I would not even talk to dude unless he was light skinned. Now I think a lot of them are gay.
6. My mini-obsession with Drew is over, very very over. He's still a friend, but his "I'm trying to remain mysterious" act is annoying as shit. I cussed him out the other day because I thought he was talking shit about me, but turns out he was talking about someone else. I kind of knew it when I was cussing, so I think that anger came from another place. Rejection...or perhaps unwavering bitterness.
7. Last, but not least. I have recently been infected with the college football bug. I started watching it b/c a couple of my friends are boys and they watch it, but I have to say I'm hooked. For you men who want your women to join you during the game; try explaining it to them. Women will not be drawn to what they cannot understand. You can quote me. I predict USC and Florida state for the Rose Bowl by the way
Personally I dont see anything wrong at all with that pic of Beyonce. I think this is a perfect example of the disconnect between what women think is attractive and what men actually find attractive. Now Trina has acquired a bit extra back there but im not so sure that is actaully her in that picture. But if it is her then yall females need to exterminate the hate cuz all yall do is give each other complexes. And the men have smooth out yalls hurt egos when yall get in a relationship. If she comfortable proving that she really does have too much booty for the pants then she can do that. I still love you Trina. Call me!
p.s. Danny Bonaduce is a wreck. I love that show.
p.p.s. Fla Sta. wont beat Va Tech. Have you seen the noles play this year? They suck.
VA tech are you kidding? Thay haven't had that hard of a schedule as FL stetae. Georgia before VA tech
OH MY...when I first saw the pic of B and JayZ I was like, "enough is enough WHEN DID WHITE GIRLS GET THAT KIND OF SHAPE!" When you later on said Beyonce it made since-lol. Sadly, booty aside, to me she is getting more and more anglosaxon by the day. and that can't be Trina
Ps-just stopping by, GREAT POST
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