Tuesday, May 03, 2011

The Boyfriend Girls

Oh, the ninth wonder of the world known as boyfriend girls. How I am forever fascinated by the boyfriend girls. I am surprised no one has written a damn song about the boyfriend girls. But maybe after this somebody will. I won't because I hate them. All.

What's a boyfriend girl?
A boyfriend girl is a girl that you either know or are associated with who is always in a relationship. You have no memory as to when she was not in relationship. One ends, there is always another poor soul waiting to pick up that slack. The guys they choose are always completely obsessed with them. They are usually characterized by the following traits: super prissy, often punctuating conversations with stories about their boyfriend, having no idea what it means to actually date or meet guys in a bar, never being worried or stressed due to the sex their having everyday, and the idea of having a "girls night out" being a science experiment to them.

May I present exhibit A:

She was born to have a boyfriend. When she broke up with Reggie Bush on her damn show all she did was whine about she's the single one and how weird it was for her. She also seems super uptight because she's completely uncomfortable making a fool of herself because she's never had to really develop a personality before. She just relied on the guy she was with to have one.

I, personally, am fascinated by these species of women for several reasons. I am fascinated by the fact that these boyfriend girls have the talent to sniff out the only decent, gainfully employed, available men on the planet and manage to make said men completely fall in love with them. And when the girl is ready to move on, they dump their men unceremoniously and completely ruin their self esteem. Resulting in turning these once great, ready for marriage, dependable, happy guys into woman hating players. These women either are born with or are taught the knowledge of how to get the man they want and how to make sure he will never get over them.

What is a non-boyfriend girl?
I am the opposite of a boyfriend girl. I believe at this point in my life, I am way, way too comfortable being by myself because I've done it for so long. I also, have quite a few friends, (classic trait of the non-boyfriend girl), so I have people in my life now who I can depend on if I really need them. Tricking myself into eliminating a need for a man in the process. Men like independent women, but you can only be independent to a certain extent. You have to really want that guy in your life.

Being a boyfriend girl isn't about looks. I know or know of a couple of women who aren't "conventionally" beautiful, who have completely ruined some men's lives. You may even say they were just really confident women. It's not always about confidence either, some may have been confident about what to do in their relationships, but not really much else outside of that. I truly just think you have it or you don't. You attract often or you attract less often. I also believe those books about flirting and sending signals are all a bunch of bullshit. They're just not enough single men out there to have a happy ending that way. Just basing that on numbers alone.

So if you're single right now and are interested in using your feminine wiles to attract your dream guy. Prepare to either be a home wrecker or a bedpost notch. Because that boyfriend girl he's got at home, is not letting him go out without a tracking device. Go for the nice guy that you don't really think is all that hot but is soo sweet, or the nice mailman who complements you everyday, or just be slut, guys like that too.

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