Sunday, January 25, 2009

New beginning.

Guess what. This is from my brand new beautiful home computer! So excited. You know how you get something new, you wait so long to get it and when you finally do; you kind of stare at it in disbelief for a really long time. This is what I'm doing now.

I wanted the computer because I need to start writing again; and I can start doing more research on my career. So now, here's the start of a new beginning; and I'm blogging; LOL.

I've been pretty out of it for the last month or so, being lazy and such. When my class is going on, I had so much energy, but its very "I don't want to do anything but go home and watch TV kind " of life. Its going to take me a while to bust out of that mindset. But its coming. I will keep everyone posted.

Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Happy New Year!

Jesus, Okay, just check in about every what 3 months, because that is about the frequency i'm going these days.
I (finally) got a computer at home, but since I have no electricity in my living room it has not been hooked up. When it is, the frequency of the blogging will increase.
So my resolutions for the new year will be to

(1)stop letting people stress me out
(2)Stop being a lazy bum.

I swear, ever since I finished the groundlings class about a month ago, I have seen nothing but my cousin's couch and TV and my couch and TV. One thing about LA that I don't like is that it takes so much effort time and planning to do anything, that once you finally do it, its really not worth it.
For example, I want to attend an actors's workshop in Burbank. Its at 7 on a Tuesday. Burbank is 45 minutes away, rush hour 1.5 hours easy, parking at least 30 minutes. Unless I take off work early (which I can't do too often, because I don't have it like that yet, plus lack of paid time off), i can't make it. And the workshop is only an hour! Don't worry, I'll go. I just need to get up off my lazy behind.

Yeah, and that people thing. I let way to many people influence my judgement. That's an after effect from not having any self esteem whatsoever for most of my life. So as a result, my gumption comes in waves. Since I've been in LA and that whole Mike crap, my nerves are just shot. So whem something happens to sort of take me down, then something minor happens, its like a domino effect; thus causing crazy mood swings and depression. This will stop. I understand depression happens, but my God, when it hits it hits hard. I had the most awful relapse about 2 weeks ago and it did me in. All because I let someone else take my mood down.

And I turn 30 next month, I don't give a shit. I hated my 20's. I kind of hated my teens, too. I've been a neurotic mess in my teens and my 20's. I would like to have a decade where I actually have it together for once. Its coming. I definately dress better. And at 29, I have finally figured out how to do my hair, who knows whats next? Maybe I'll get a work ethic.