Friday, March 30, 2007

Well...guess what

Blogging on the fly... before I leave today....I feel like this blog is becoming days of my life for some reason. I make this sort and sweet.

I bought a car, the same day
got fired from my job.

How did I get fired you ask? Well, no reason. Someone else over me got fired and her assistant needs her job back, so whose lower than a temp? No one. Well, maybe Paris Hilton.
Am I upset? Truthfully, Hasn't hit me yet, between my tonisilitis/strep throat and living in the crazy house, this is almost laughable. You know what's funny. I came to work all week pretty much on my deathbed because I was so paranoid about getting fired, and I get fired anyway. Funny, how the world works.

Loverboy's not going to like this, so I'm going to propose staying in orange county with my cousin for a little while, because this was the only shot I had so far out semi-stable employment. Now that's this is out the window now, hell. No plan B's.

Did I like my job? Begrugingly, I admit I was starting to. I was around the thing that I loved most in the world. Even though I could not actively participate, I got to hear about it all day and be around it all day. I learned a lot just from these 3 weeks.

I feel like I'm destined for something at this point. But it cannot be unemployment.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Ode to Sleep Deprivation

As you can tell by the title, this is basically where my state of mind is at the moment. I have the flu, the second time I've been sick in 2 weeks. I mean I am really sick. It was cold two weeks ago, now flu.

I don't know if any of you had the lovely pleasure of moving to big city, but whenever you move, you cannot move without these three things. First month's rent, last month's rent, and security deposit. Let's figure that I find an apartment here for $750 a month, (fantastic) I cannot move in unless I plunk down 1800. For a 6-month lease! This has put a huge, huge damper in my plans. I know you all may be a little shocked as to why this is suprising, but keep in mind the deposit on my last apartment was $75, and I could just move right on in with the first months rent.

My living situation right now sucks. As I stated before, I am currently living with two guys. One is an insomniac, and one is a total weedhead. Loverboy works night hours, and not only does he not go to sleep, but he is determined to not make you go to sleep with him, (i.e. screaming to someone at the top of his lungs on his cell phone, slamming doors, turning on the bright ass light in your face if he needs to ask you something, sleeps with the TV on, lord I could go on). Weedhead is not home very much but when he is, he is high all the time. And when I say all the time, I mean all the time. Nothing wrong with chiefing, I have no problem with that. But, dude, I have lived there for 6 weeks now, and I have never seen homeboy sober. Plus, he creeps me out.

The house always smells like weed. I have to wait for a free bed a lot of the time so I can sleep, and when I get one I wake up about 50 times a night. Add in a nice little flu, you got yourself one little happy healthy situation.

Blah, Blah, Blah, I know. I could be sleeping in my car. Don't even try it. At least if I'm sleeping in my car, I'll be guaranteed a place to sleep every night and be granted if Loverboy doesn't know where I am, it will at least be quiet.

Loverboy goes out of town next week, so it'll just be me and weedhead. This will be interesting. I'll keep you posted.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

God I Know

March 20. God I know. So much to talk about so little time. I was actually going to end this blog until I read the comment on my last one, so thank you Erica and dammit I'm at it again.

Here's very, very brief synopsis.

*Staying with Loverboy. It sucks. He's a hoe. He is letting me stay in his house but he's still a hoe. Came to the realization that I was part of his stable of hoes. Panic attacks. Sleepless nights.
Harder than I thought it was going to be. Mood swings like a pregnant bitch.

*I am not going home, at least not now. Currently a receptionist at a talent agency. Its temp, but its money. Moms and Pops been suprisingly supportive about the whole thing. I guess they knew it was coming.

*I understand completely why people stay at their jobs for 25-30 years. Quitting your job to follow your dream is ridicioulsly hard. People live in their cars to do this, and I'm dangerously close. I'm not saying quit, but make sure its something you
really want to do first.

*Thank the lord Jesus Christ in heaven for therapists. Because without mine, I would have probably went home and hid under my bed for a month. If your thinking about it, don't think, go. Because if you get a good one, it could save your life.