Tuesday, September 27, 2005

I heart LA

I know its been freaking forever since I've posted, but I have been out of town on vacation. My sleep schedule is all fucked up and I'm still tired, but it was fun though. I went to LA by the way.

Umm lets see, what do I need to cover. Celebrity sightings, cultural differences, and traffic. Oh, we also need to touch on how much people tend to really start hating their lives when they come back from vacation. Yippee!! let's begin.

Celebrity Sightings
Actual paparazzi encounter with Matthew Fox, aka dude from lost, aka old dude from Party of Five, or this dude. There were literally cameras following him the entire time we were in the airport, and no one gave a shit. I had to give synopsis to at least 3 people who didn't know he was a celebrity, let alone what show he's on.
I also saw this girl. It was one of those, I know that girl from somewhere moments as opposed to what movie did she play in moments. No, no camera's were following her or anything, she was in front of me at LAX. Only reason I remembered her face is because I sat through a one torture filled hour of I heart Hucakbees, one of the shittiest movies ever made. She saw me look at her and smiled, she probably thought I recognized her but honestly I had no idea who she was. Desperate.
What fascinated me the most about LA is that its really easy to spot an actress. Even if you don't know who the fuck they are. Most actresses are really short. Most women there are really short I noticed. I'm only about 5"7, 5"8 and I came home and I swear I think I grew an inch. Also, people in LA are not as skinny as you think they are, only the actresses. They don't even look real they're so skinny. I believe if I did and 8-ball every day of my life for the next year I couldn't be that skinny. But they are.
All the men are in shape, too; even the old ones. Its not like here, men make the time and the money to get to that gym. Not saying the south should be like the west, but I just finished a 2-hour discussion about the different varieties available for buffalo wings.

Cultural Differences/Traffic
I was born in a big city, so its not a big culture shock. The biggest culture shock is how confusing that damn city is, its like a maze. You have to get on the highway to take out your garbage. And if you haven't lived there for one hundred years, you'll still get lost. And when you get lost, you can be 5 minutes down the road and you think you accidentally wandered off to Mexico somewhere. No offense to the Latinos, but some of you mother fuckers need to pick up an English dictionary once in a while to help a sista out when they take a wrong turn.
As a result, I understand why people don't go anywhere unless they have to.
Oh, yeah. You don't eat when you're there. I was so busy being on the 15 east instead of the 91 west or whatever the thousand highways I'm supposed to be on, that I didn't think about eating. Plus your scared to death to pull off the highway to get something to eat, or you end up in Oregon somewhere when you get back on it.

Why we hate our lives after vacation
Nobody likes going to work after vacation, no one. So when you come from a major city where you always have something to do, always have a destination to reach, always running into different types of people, constantly learing about opportunities to build your career to coming home to a 2-hour in depth discussion about buffalo wings, you realize shit is a little different. The only reason I wanted to come home was my skin was acting crazy and I was out of Retin-A.
All in all, I had fun. This is my third time visiting LA and I actually got a real feel of what the city is about, I had a hotel and a car so I didn't have to depend on nobody. And my company was great, so I couldn't complain. Now I need to work on getting a car with a GPS system.

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

The Ugly Day

Im having an ugly day, or rather an ugly week. I believe its karma or God's little way of keeping me humble. It seems like literally the minute, that I start to accept how I am and work with what I have, someone comes along and subtley reminds me ,"umm, no you need to do a little better than that."

For example, I haven't lost any weight but I haven't really gained any in the last two months. The miraculous 13 pound weight loss that I had last year is creeping up, 7 lbs. and counting. I honestly don't even care. I'm not going through all that shit again eating healthy choice meals and all that damn running. Just to gain it right back again when I take a day off? Fuck that. Neeedless to say, I haven't been exactly lazy, but I've gone on what I like to call a reverse psychological low-self esteem infused exercise strike, translated into "I ain't got nobody anyway, so what am I doing all this shit for." My only motivation for exercising now is so I won't se my gut hanging over my pants, a motivation that is becoming less and less vital to me every day as I exist with my persistent singleness.

My workouts have dwindled down into occasional yoga and Carmen Electra cardio striptease DVD's (which are great by the way), and I'm kind of like, whatever I'll watch what I eat to overcompensate the laziness, which is what I've been doing. I thought my plan was working out very well until my friend came by to use my computer. (I'm bloated anyway b/c its that time of the month and I just gotten through drinking a liter bottle of water, I know excuses, excuses). I was leaned over in my chair and he looked at me and said, "dang, what happened." Here we go again, one paycheck away from starting the coke habit...

I have two gripes about this story. The first being, why do people feel the need to tell me the truth all the damn time. Why? Why can't people just lie to me to appease my feelings? Why not? I do it to them. My life would be so much easier if people just constantly told me how pretty and skinny I am. I swear to God, when I put hours into planning an outfit and think it looks good, its like motherfuckers are lining up around the block to tell me how godawful I look. True enough the ensemble may be ugly, but can I have time to look back on it and reflect on it being ugly a couple of years down the line myself? If someone is feeling good about themselves, I don't ruin their fun, I lie to them and talk about them behind their backs like a real friend should.

Two. I always said that I would work out to the point where I am satisfied, and I wasn't doing that shit anymore. I'll starve myself or take diet pills or something, becuase honestly is hard as hell to lose weight and its even harder to maintain it once you lose it. And it's miserable existence, if I want a cheesburger at 2:00 in the morning I want to eat a damn cheesburger. Then I want to go to sleep. I don't want to bust my ass in the gym every day because its boring and I sweat out my perm. I know, that I need not think that way and work out for health reasons but fuck it, I got a check-up a month ago and I'm healthy, but I don't want to have two stomachs either.

I guess since I want to be an actress, I just need to put the braids in my head, shut up and run because there is no other option but to be in shape. But seriously, these fat people seem awfully happy, maybe there a method to their madness. Or maybe they just have really good friends who do the right thing and lie about them not being that big, hmm..

Thursday, September 08, 2005

VMA's: I know I'm late.

I know I'm late with my view on the VMA's but I've been having issues lately okay

I know you all saw the VMAs last week, and yes Diddy, or Shiddy as I like to call him hosted the event and he was terrible. Did you seriously expect anything better? My question is why is this man still famous, seriously. Nobody likes him. He had some recognition before as a record producer, but now he's just famous because he throws a lot of parties. He has that Sean John line, but I don't think anybody wears Sean John anymore. He has Making the Band, but...that doesn't really say much now does it. I felt sorry for the white people there. I knew when he brought Luke and his dancers out on stage, or Uncle Luke as he is known by now; that the worst was yet to come.

I have to come to the conclusion recently that I hate Ciara. She is the living breathing reason of what is wrong with music now. You take a regular looking girl, slap some long european weave into her hair, give her some catchy ass songs that feature established highly recogizable artists and Bam!!! You have an instant star. Her A&R knew something was terribly wrong when Missy and Luda on her second and third singles. I'm not hating at all, but my non-dancing, non-singing ass could have come out singing 1,2 Step and I would be on a song with Bow Wow right now. Not that I would want to be with Bow Wow, but trust me that boy about 5"3, she don't wanna be with him either.
Oh yeah, what put Ciara over the top is that she can dance. If you think about it there are not that many females that come out very often that can pop it like she can. She better get used to it, the clock is ticking on her, her next album will be shit, and she will be holding up a sign standing next to Ginuine that says "Will pop it for food."

Its also gotten to the point when Destiny's Child's name is mentioned for an award they only show Beyonce's face. I know that Beyonce's the star and everything but I mean damn, they all sang on the song, they all were in the video can we at least get a little peripheral vision going on? The only time they show Kelly and Michelle is when Beyonce is talking to them. Michelle even got a gap endorsement bless her "fucked up nose" little heart. But nooo, the nominee is "Lose my Breath" by Destiny's Child, cut to a fake surprise Beyonce reaction shot. I guess nobody makes a big deal about mentioning the other two anymore, and I guess they're used to it.

Jessica Simpson was extremely coked out on stage and looked like a hooker. I just had to point that out. Nobody said anything.

(Sidebar:They should really stop publishing these stars' diet secrets and exercise tips in the magazines. Its false advertising. All these bitches stay skinny through coke and or cigarettes, all of them, period. Even some of the white girls you know)

Other highlights

-Alicia Keys looked really pretty, I wonder does ProActiv really work.

-Even though Mariah Carey is psycho, I'm glad she's doing well. She can sing and sells records even though she looks like a drag queen. The back of her dress was open during her performance.

-Green day has a really good album, they deserve every award they get.

-I'm glad Kelly Clarkson beat Gwen Stefani, I like them both, but I have a soft spot in my heart for Kelly because she can blow.

-She has also recently become my fitness inspiration because that bitch got in shape, for real.

-Usher looked mildly borderline semi-attractive for once.


-Sadly, the BET awards were far more entertaining. MTV tries way too hard to be cutting edge and they shouldn't. Just show Laguna Beach all day long, you'll be fine.

-I think the Ciara/Bow Wow thing is front because Ciara is really dating Missy. Did you see the way Missy was looking at her when she held her hand on stage? Like she was a steak dinner. There have always been rumors that Missy sleeps with the girls that she "works with", i.e. Tweet, Trina, Nicole Ray and I'm sorry, but Aaliyah has been mentioned, too.

-It was too damn long, shit 3 hours plus and they passed out awards before the show. MTV, you want to be cutting edge, shorten your shit.

-All of the celebrities in the audience looked pissed off.

- Hilary Duff needs to eat.

-Puffy's career is way over; even more than I thought it was. And I love Biggie and all but did he have to have his umpteenth tribute to him for a segment that was way over the top? This is now officially exploitation. His next step is broadcasting him trying to bring Biggie back from the dead.

Friday, September 02, 2005

Say a prayer....

Say a small prayer for the Hurricane Katrina victims in New Orleans and the surrounding areas. I don't live very far from there and its even worse than it is on the news. Say an even bigger prayer for the religious assholes named Columbia Christians for Life who said that this event took place to prevent Southern Decadence (aka Gay Pride New Orleans) from taking place this weekend. And last but not least, pray for George W., for reasons that cannot even fit on this page.

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