Monday, July 25, 2005

Movie Review: Hustle and Flow

So I went to see Hustle and Flow last night, alone, because my friends, (the black ones mind you) deemed it too ghetto and I was on my own with this one. Its so funny because if the love of my life, Terrence Howard, was not in this, I would have been the first person screaming out how they are not watching that ghetto shit. I had heard that this movie is the first movie to get offered a distribution deal at Sundance, the whitest film festival on earth, and I had heard really good buzz on Terrence Howard's performance. One of the very few actors, this club including Johnny Depp, that is such a good actor, that he is good in a shitty movie. Needless to say, I believed and I ventured to the theatre by myself. Thank God, the movie was great.

The way the movie is marketed, it is seen as another "black people making their way coming out the ghetto" film, and it is, but they should have tailored their strategy a little to make it a little more targeted to everyone, like persay monster's ball (which by the way is a far less superior film, to say the least). This movie showed me exactly what's wrong with other ghetto black films. First of all, its authentic. It takes place in Memphis, and its actually filmed in Memphis. I'm tired seeing stuff supposedly filed in New York, LA, and Chicago, but yet you see hardly any people walking around and there is that needle looking building in the background that I always see that tips off that its filmed in Vancouver somewhere. Secondly, the acting is great. They actors actually sound like they live in Memphis, not some forced accent that they made up as they occasionally slip back into their bad diction (i.e. J-lo in Angel Eyes). Lastly, and most importantly the characters are not dumb. Even the characters that are supposed to be dumb are not dumb. Their not rocket scientists either, they're human. The way that real people would act in that situation. Add in a good plot, good writing, and of course, my baby daddy Terrence, you got probably the best movie I have seen this year.

Now I must comment, on the actual movie watching experience. Like I said before, its a black movie, so the actual audience is just as eventful as the movie itself.

1. I went to see this movie at 9:40 on a Sunday, and there were still a assload of kids. not teenagers mind you, kids. A woman was sitting behind me with a girl and a boy who probably had a combined age of 5. The girl was sick because the woman kept asking her did she need to throw up and kept getting up to take her to the bathroom. The little boy kept repeating everything he saw on the screen, not every line, just the punchlines with the cussing in it.

2. Like I said, it was 9:40 and there were people still arriving in at 10:30.

3. When parts of the movie didn't have that much dialogue took place, it became so loud in the theatre it sounded like a concert waiting to begin.

4. Also, when the characters were silent, there were random moments when the audience would comment what the characters were thinking. For example, there is a part where the lead character is trying to get one of his girls to sing louder, and a boy shouts "sing the song, the way I told you to sing it, anna mae".

5. Its not as horrible as I'm describing. Hell, I could have went on a Friday night.

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Ugly vs. Ugly

I have acquired a new pet peeve over the past few months, and I notice this actual act happens quite frequently. Ugly people who call other people ugly.

Before I explain myself, let me first start off by saying that I think that the concept of ugly is relative. One person may see another as ugly, while another may see them as attractive. Or a very attractive person, once you get to know them may become ugly. Or vice versa. I personally like to call people ugly who are physically unattractive who believe that they are very attractive, or people who are ugly who have really nasty attitudes to go along with that. Hence ugly, mental and physical. I now proceed..

Attention whore at my part time seriously looks like a drag queen. Her weave ponytail is in place everyday, and in the 9 months I have been working there, I have never, ever, seen her without makeup. Not only does she wear makeup everyday, she wears the same color makeup everyday. As an eye makeup connoisseur, that annoys me. I believe that she thinks that she falls into the attractive category because she dresses up everyday and has a husband. Not only that, she has what I call the fat woman's attitude. An example, "I gonna eat whatever I want, If I'm big, I'm just big." End quote. (I could wax poetic about how I hate fat woman's attitude, but that's another post) She called somebody ugly... I take that back, she called someone who is more attractive than her ugly...I correct myself again...she made fun of them mercilessly as I watched in horror and disbelief.

Yes, I know that it is a defense mechanism because she's insecure, blah, blah. That rule don't apply to black folks. Well, at least not the trifling ones. She thinks she looks good. Not a I'm confident in myself good, like I'm the popular, hot girl in high school good. Just because you have your weave and makeup on, doesn't make you fine. She annoys me in the most fascinating way.

Another girl at my other job did the same thing. I wouldn't classify her as ugly, but the girl she was making fun of looks better than her.

I blame men, these trifling and desperate men are so happy to have someone, anyone willingly laying in their bed, that they lie to these women and tell them that they're the most beautiful thing alive. Its good to make your woman feel good about themselves, but keep it real. I guess that's why I will always range from humility to unwavering bitterness because I have never been around any men who lied to me like that, including my father. They have always reminded me of my strengths, but reminded me even more or my weaknesses.

Now, if I was with someone who actually told me I was beautiful, I would say its too late now. You're in store for a lifetime of insecurity or a false since of security. That's right, every quip or statement that I make regarding my strong sense of self or my solid upbringing will be a complete and utter lie. I hope your ready, if not you need to go get you a self-confident fat chick.

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

The Trifles...

I am writing a preface now because I don't want anybody stealing my ideas. I don't know the exact details of the copywrighting process, so I am just going to say now that this is etched in stone and no one needs to steal my shit, and if somebody from Saturday night live is reading this feel free to steal it because you all need some major writing help.

I came up with a SNL sketch idea this past week. This sketch is based on a family called The Trifles. The Trifles is a shortened version of their given name, Trifling. There is mom and pop trifiling, the kids, the little triflings, and last but not least, crazy drunk uncle trifling.

This idea stemmed from events that I have experienced over the past week that involved a collective group of people talking out of their ass. Its a long story, but I'll make it very brief being that my hands are tired and I need to save some material for the movie.

Today 9:00 a.m.
There is a woman at my part time job who is a complete and total attention whore. She's also one of those women who realized one day that she is a uber-bitch and needs to start acting nice because people are starting to catch on and she cannot take advantage of them like she wants to. She's also is one of those bitches who tries to get everyone to like her and see how wonderful she is only so she can proceed to use them to get what she wants. No, to answer your question she is not Jennifer Lopez. A classic moment of hers is when she initiated the collection of her own wedding gift from the people at I'm being too nice....She bullied someone else into taking a collection of her wedding gift. Only half of the office gave money, so the girl felt so bad about it she chipped in a substantial amount of her own cash to get her something worthwhile. She still doesn't know why she did that. I told her to keep it quiet just in case a cussing out erupts and this information is necessary.

This woman is so hell bent on being the topic of conversation at all times that she called work on a day that she was out "sick", to tell us that she was taking a pregnancy test. This information wasn't probed mind you, it was offered voluntarily. I believe she wanted everyone to get excited about the fact that she might possibly be pregnant. She wasn't even at work today. That is some sick shit.

Monday 11:00
I am supposed to be taking a trip to Cali next week. The only real reason I am going this early is because (1)I made a promise to my newly relocated cousin that I would be there that week. (2) There is a family reunion that week, and although I hate family reunions with a fiery burning passion in my soul, there are some people who may be there who I would like to see. So I scrimp and save to buy a plane ticket that is really overpriced. So, somebody needs to be making up my place to sleep and taking off work to pick me up from the airport.
"Hey, I'm coming out soon!!"
"cool. We're about to move to our new place. When are you coming?"
"next friday."
"uhhh, well what hotel are you staying at?"
"well, no hotel, I can't really afford this trip unless I stay with someone."
"Did you buy your ticket?"
"no but its on reserve because the money goes into my account tonight."
"well, let me talk to some folks and I'll call you back"

2 days later. Nothing.

Cousin #2
"hey, I'm coming out next week?"
"oh, for the reunion?"
"yep, hey listen, the person that I was staying with is being kind of sketchy for some reason, is it all right if stay there for a couple of days?"

"well, I guess, but I'll let you know for sure later."
"okay, bye"

So I call my parents and tell them I'm not going.

I don't really blame either of my cousins for their unenthusiastic lack of hospitality, but damn, let someone know ahead of time.How hard is it to say, "Dude, you can't stay with me too much drama." Its not that hard and Thank God I'm not trifiling, because if I was I would be seriously pissed off if someone told me that.
As far as attention whore, well, I'm pretty sure she's not pregnant because I haven't seen or heard a marching band come through our office. Plus, like myself, she's vein. And us, vein folks always use some sort of birth control. I hope she catches on that we all got her pretty much figured out. She really thinks that she is loved by all. If she only knew that if she actually was with child, the topic of conversation would not necessarily be the sex of the baby, but it would be if the baby would wear as much makeup as her.

Thursday, July 07, 2005

What constitues the other woman?

What exactly are the qualities that are necessary to be the other woman? What qualities are needed to be the actual girlfriend as opposed to the other woman aka side dish, jump-off, bitch. I don't get it. I ask this question because I believe that I have the qualities to make to make a good girlfriend. I work hard, I have no kids, I am somewhat emotionally stable, and I am pretty non-confrontational. I want my Beyonce/Jay-Z moment in the sun, too.

I ask this question because I'll be honest, I've been the other woman a lot. Now I know that's trifing as hell, but none of these instances have been my fault. These men I thought were interested in getting to know me actually were only interested in something else, and they never told me that they have girlfriends at home.

I believe the beginning of the end for me was junior year of
college. I had a huge crush on this football player, one of the finest men I have ever seen in my life. So imagine how I felt, when he came over to the desk where I was working to talk to me for the first time. I was over the moon. He came over my room every night for a week to study and watch movies, slept in the same bed and we didn't have sex. Just hung out, it was fun. I thought he was really into me, until he stopped calling me and didn't return my calls. So here I am frantic, and I finally get in touch with him. He proceeds to tell me that the reason he has been avoiding me is because I'm selfish. Selfish? what! yeah, after that I decipher from his words that he's thinks I'm a tease. I'm not gonna lie, I wanted to sleep with him from jump, like I said he was fine, and I could have easily just said you know what don't bother calling ever. But that didn't happen...

I said to him okay. Come over now and I show you that I'm not selfish. Hence my very first booty call. I believe this exact moment that the switch was turned off in my brain that allowed me to have feelings for a guy before I sleep with him. A few twisted months, and booty calls later, I find out that he has had a girlfriend the whole time who I was told that I happen to look similar too. Damn.

Maybe that's it. My ex-boyfriend schooled me a lot before we broke up. Men can pick a freak out of a crowd, and why would they want a girlfriend when they can get just the sex and go home. Maybe its low self-esteem, maybe its high self-esteem, or maybe its just short hair and a big ass. Who knows.

I've always been very honest about how much I love sex, but it seems as if I have always been punished for it. Once the guy gets into his head, hey, she's not doing this just because I want too, she actually likes this. Its all downhill from there, "hey honey, lets go to the movies?" , "okay, I'll be over there midnight or later".