Thursday, August 09, 2007

Tired of being sick and tired

I'm tired of bitching about my job. Tired. Over it. All this shit that I have been stressing over is so stupid. Just freaking dumb.

If I was running a multi-million dollar production company, do you think I really need to care if my workers think I'm nice?

Does Tyler Perry worry about people saying he's gay?

Does Oprah give two shits about 50 cent saying she acts white?

Has Cathy Hughes (owner of radio one) even a given second thought to people who berate her for not hooking them up with for a job?

Does Tyra Banks even care about the endless barrage of insults that she endures on a daily basis even though they're well deserved?

Has Bill Gates even thought about how stupid people thought he was when he left Harvard?

The answer is a resounding no. These people I'm sure get shit every single day on a much deeper level. Think about the people who have the endure this who have to feed their kids or take care of a sick parent. People just get shit. Most of the time its for the dumbest reasons you can think of. You're damned if you do, and you're damned if you don't. The only thing you have control over is your attitude towards it.

Right now, I don't consider myself the most confident of people, but my self-esteem isn't circling the toilet like it was. Right now, a lot of people do not like me here. My attitude before was more angry. Because I'm not an ass-kisser, I just became hellbent on not becoming an ass-kisser resulting in bitching all the time about how I refuse to conform. It was a selfish attitude, because I worried about them just as much as they worried about me. Over stupid shit.

I also need to stop letting the attitudes of others influence me so much. I need to stop comparing my situation to the plight of other people, to make me feel better. Its almost if I can get other people to say such and such is crazy, then I'll feel better that I'm not. Just have an epiphany as to how stupid it all is, block that shit out, and keep it moving. I won't be here forever. I don't have to deal with these people in my personal life. There are some really nice people here despite all the crap. This shit is nothing. Treat it like its nothing.


Anonymous said...

I was wondering if you have talked to the HR dept about black exec assistant? I have had GREAT success in dealing with HR with that type of thing. Let them know that she is threatening to have you fired because you seem to have a personality conflict. That you are concerned about this because you would hate to see that happen. That you value your job and love the company. (okay that would be a lie, but you see what I mean..) I actually got the OTHER girl fired when something like this happened to me. I would document the problem with HR. It protects you. I know you don't like your job, but getting fired is NEVER a good thing. It's always better to quit so you can use them as a reference.. just my little ol opinion;)

cookie21204 said...

Yes, I already have. I was really nervous, but I'm so glad I did it. But great advice though