Monday, January 07, 2008

Easy Random Tibits 2008

1. New Year's Resolutions for 2008.
Be more secure with myself physically.
Get back in shape.
Everything else ties to these two things.
Be more vein.

This is such a looks oriented town, and for someone whom most of the tine does not care about their appearance, this is not good. I'm just not a girl. I want to be more of a girl. My cousin has to coach me on how to be a girl. We're going to go into that full force now.

2. Roomate situation.
Mentally, totally over him. It still stings when I see him with another girl, but I'm a lot more okay than I was in the past.

3. Date more.
I've suprisingly has two bad dates. But you know what, I am so grateful that I have gotten to this point where I can actually put myself out there, and not be obesssed over a certain someone anymore. Also, I actually got the balls to dump two guys.

4. Loverboy - Mike
Loverboy exists no longer, he is now christened with his real name.

5. Understand and accept myself, and I am a great person.
I am. I forget that sometimes. But we're working on that too.

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