Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Ugly vs. Ugly

I have acquired a new pet peeve over the past few months, and I notice this actual act happens quite frequently. Ugly people who call other people ugly.

Before I explain myself, let me first start off by saying that I think that the concept of ugly is relative. One person may see another as ugly, while another may see them as attractive. Or a very attractive person, once you get to know them may become ugly. Or vice versa. I personally like to call people ugly who are physically unattractive who believe that they are very attractive, or people who are ugly who have really nasty attitudes to go along with that. Hence ugly, mental and physical. I now proceed..

Attention whore at my part time seriously looks like a drag queen. Her weave ponytail is in place everyday, and in the 9 months I have been working there, I have never, ever, seen her without makeup. Not only does she wear makeup everyday, she wears the same color makeup everyday. As an eye makeup connoisseur, that annoys me. I believe that she thinks that she falls into the attractive category because she dresses up everyday and has a husband. Not only that, she has what I call the fat woman's attitude. An example, "I gonna eat whatever I want, If I'm big, I'm just big." End quote. (I could wax poetic about how I hate fat woman's attitude, but that's another post) She called somebody ugly... I take that back, she called someone who is more attractive than her ugly...I correct myself again...she made fun of them mercilessly as I watched in horror and disbelief.

Yes, I know that it is a defense mechanism because she's insecure, blah, blah. That rule don't apply to black folks. Well, at least not the trifling ones. She thinks she looks good. Not a I'm confident in myself good, like I'm the popular, hot girl in high school good. Just because you have your weave and makeup on, doesn't make you fine. She annoys me in the most fascinating way.

Another girl at my other job did the same thing. I wouldn't classify her as ugly, but the girl she was making fun of looks better than her.

I blame men, these trifling and desperate men are so happy to have someone, anyone willingly laying in their bed, that they lie to these women and tell them that they're the most beautiful thing alive. Its good to make your woman feel good about themselves, but keep it real. I guess that's why I will always range from humility to unwavering bitterness because I have never been around any men who lied to me like that, including my father. They have always reminded me of my strengths, but reminded me even more or my weaknesses.

Now, if I was with someone who actually told me I was beautiful, I would say its too late now. You're in store for a lifetime of insecurity or a false since of security. That's right, every quip or statement that I make regarding my strong sense of self or my solid upbringing will be a complete and utter lie. I hope your ready, if not you need to go get you a self-confident fat chick.


a said...

Why do I have the feeling you're talking about me?

emeralda said...

haha. i know exactly what you are getting at. i hate people behaving like that, too. if i say sth bad about someone ugly i also make clear why i think this person is ugly (mentally/physically/emotionally) and that i don t think that i am better just because i see sth bad there.

but you know, i even hate it more when people who are obviously pretty or beautiful, can t stop complaining about how they look like and how fat they are (wait, what am I then???) when they are obviously underweight or perfectly normal. i fucking hate that more than anything. it s like they have nothing more interesting or better to talk and think about. the insecure ugly bitches have at least some major problem that you can pitty when you are in a good mood.

cookie21204 said...
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cookie21204 said...

i love you um. and no I am not talking about you....