Monday, September 10, 2007

Dealing with the drama...

Okay, so no new job prospects as of yet. Had an interview on Weds., but you know how employers are this day in age, i.e. "Oh, we liked her but there was another candidate who was taller than her who can reach shelves, so we're going to go with her." Oh, and also, my boss put a bullet in another internal interview I had here, because she felt that "one of her people" was getting stolen. I'm in hell.

HBIC wanted to bury the hatchet with me. She pulled a friend of mine aside from next door and told her so. Don't get me wrong. This truce has nothing to do with me, it had everything to do with the image that we were portraying around the office. (I.e. The white people were getting a kick out of the two blck girls fighting). It bothered her, but not me. I have realized in my short time here that people have something to say about everything you do, from your clothes to your hair, to the car you drive, so just let them say it. I also got to the point where I stop letting her childish shenangians bothering me. What helped the most was when I stopped talking about it. I noticed the more I stopped talking about it, the less angry I got, the more I stopped caring. To the point that if she was talking about me like a dog in front of my face, I did not care. I pulled her aside and I told her that whatever animosity that I have toward her is squashed as of this moment, and all I'm trying to do is go to work and come home. I also said I'm not interested in events that happened in the past because I feel its no point in discussing them. She said that she did not want to have flashbacks of the last receptionist to which I replied, please do not compare me to her because I'm not her. And that was that.

My cousin and her boyfriend are officially engaged now. No comment. I don't really fool with them too much anymore since the fight. I figured seeing them on only a limited basis is best. And my cousin got the hint that I don't want anything to do with their outside people anymore (i.e. The boyfriend's friends, parents). I'm just happy I got my point across.

Loverboy is still loverboy. Don't really know what to say about that just yet.

Oh, and the love of acting is slowly but surely coming back. I guess it never really went away, I just needed a kick in the butt. There is plan that is slowly evolving, but there are some factors that need to fall into place, like hmmm.. a new job.

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