Tuesday, April 12, 2005

The worst sitcom I have ever seen

I am a TV conessiur. (is that spelled right). More importantly I am a bad TV conessiur. I like bad TV, Tv is supposed to be entertaining, as well as remind you that there are people in the world who are really that stupid. So when you are watching TV, not a specific show persay, like Law and Order(s), or Desperate Housewives, because those are actually well written shows, but I am talking about the worst night of shows on television. Monday night on UPN (ahhhh, traumatizing, I know).

I won't bother to go into the plethora of bad TV shows that air on that channel. I will center specifically on one. A sitcom called Cutz. This "sitcom" starring Marques Houston and Shannon Elizabeth takes place in a barbershop/spa. Shannon Elizabeth plays a spoiled rich girl who comes into one of her father's businesses and makes her co-manager, against who's wishes do you ask, that's right the one and only IMX/Omarion's brother Marques Houston. Seems simple enough right? I won't even go into the acting because spitting out a whole bunch of lines before you lose your cocaine buzz does not count as anybody's acting, (yes shannon, i'm talking to you). Marques, I reluctantly say that your acting days peaked on Sister to Sister. and you're really, really short. Shannon, you look anorexic and strung out even on a 20" inch screen with bad lighting. And I know, its UPN but couldn't you all have chipped in a extra couple of thousand and gotten a better set. I look like I built that set....while I was sleep. There are,of course, the obligatory stereotypical supporting characters, I'm not suprised by that. What I am suprised by is that they just look like they are happy to be there, let alone act in a sitcom. There is a ghetto girl who plays Shannon Elizabeth's best friend can't even say a line that's supposed to emote some kind of emotion. The only emoting I see her doing is suppressing a grin that says; "Damn, y'all I can't believe I got on this show".

Like I said, I like bad TV, but this one really threw me for a loop. Oh, well at least we have some more working black actors representing. Marques Houston doesn't count though, he was in "You got served", he's had his time in the sun


Geekbird said...

Better then "Homeboys in Outerspace" like they had back in the mid 90's.

Geekbird said...

actually I'm not sure if the UPN network was up and running yet back then during that show. I just know they now run the station that once ran that show.