Saturday, April 08, 2006

It Sucks Ass

Sorry once again I've been slacking off on the blogging...Life has gotten in the way I guess

Well, I guess I can talk about this now since nothing is going to pan out of it. (I just love when that happens by the way). On my vacation roughly about 3 weeks ago I had a job interview. An interview, that went suprisingly very well. It was for a human resources position. Not job, position. The lady, the head of human resources, even was willing to wait for me to get my shit together and move when my lease is up. So excited . I thought, oh my god, finally getting the hell out of hell. It is a dream that may suddenly become reality...Yeah, well.

Turns out this woman is so happy and willing because this job only pays $10 an hour. In Los Angeles. I thought, and I planned and came to the conclusion that there is no way in the free world I will be able to move and even live with my cousin rent free and support myself, on $10 bucks an hour. I didn't even know that people still offered that to people with degrees. It sucks ass.

The dumb implusive thing to do is to leave anyway and get a second job. Well, if I work a second job, not only will I be in the same position that I am in now, but I will be worse off because gas is way higher there. Also, the second job leaves no time at all for acting classes; the reason that I want to move out there so badly in the first place. It sucks ass.

I lied to my father and told him that I told the boss that I turned the job down. I didn't. I'm still very much in limbo. My gut is telling me to fuck it and go anyway. But with no car, no money, and to be honest no place to live really that's not an option. It sucks ass.

On the upside, I have actually formed a plan due to my small circumstance, but I will have to make a very big sacrifice. My freedom.
I will have to move back in with my parents. I said it before but I never believed until this moment that I would actually have to do it.

If anyone has any better suggestions please jesus let me know.


Unknown said...

Thats a tough one but I think I would wait for something better. No sense in moving into a worse situation. Moving back in with the folks may not be ideal but sometimes you gotta put your pride aside and understand that its a means to an end. Good luck

cookie21204 said...

Thank you.

trejan29 said...

I have to agree with marquis.
It's going to be horrible, no doubt about that,so you have to think of all the money you'll be saving and how much easier it'll be for you to move with a nest egg. We've talked about it time and again, you're not the type of person to throw common sense to the wind. Make a plan, follow it through, and move. If you say fuck it and move to Cali you'll be spending all of you time scrambling just to make enough money to eat day to day.