Thursday, April 20, 2006

Shortest Post Ever...

I guess this not moving to California thing has me more bummed out than I thought. I mean I'm really bummed out.

I guess I'm so bummed out because I was reading this article the other day about how a man fell in love with a woman, not necessarily because she was the most attractive woman in the world, but because she had so much spirit. Well, my spirit was the only thing I kind of had going for me at this point, and I feel like that's even gone. Hell, I wouldn't want to date me.

This little ditty pretty much sums up how much I hate my life right now. I had an argument with a co-worker the other day as to why she never washes her hands when she's done going to the bathroom. I saw her do it, and I heard from other sources that she does it all the time. So I ask, "are you going to wash your hands, considering you just wiped your ass?", to which she replies, "I can't I'm allergic to the soap.", to which I say ,"That would be pretty hard considering the soap is antibacterial.." , and she says, "well it just makes my hands all itchy.". When she's opening the door, I reply, "Aren't you at least going to run your hands through the water?". True story. Sadly, there are more somewhat like this. I'm in hell.

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