Friday, August 26, 2005

Drew, part deux

Before you begin reading,nothing has happened b/w me and Drew and nothing will happen so if your not interested anymore its best to quit reading now. I refuse to besmirch the classic idea that is Carrie Bradshaw's sex column from Sex and the city, and renounce its legacy by turning it into some cheesy "single and desperate" sex blog.

Usually when I say nothing is going to happen between myself and a certain person I'm usually lying, so I'm really scaring myself. But I'm really going to stick to my guns because I would lose a lot of respect for myself if I slept with that boy. That would be seriously awkward.

I was watching Real Sex late last night and they were interviewing a porn star. One of the questions that they asked her was if she was easy. She said slutty, not easy. The difference is you have to work a little to get her into bed but she won't sleep with just anyone. God help me, I was thinking the same thing that she just said out loud. I need to just go ahead and admit that to myself and stop acting like something isn't wrong with me...taking a breath....

I'm Slutty


Lust is a very horrible yet complex thing, and it is probably the only thing that I do that gets me in trouble. Its probably the only thing that I have the balls to act on to satisfy my own morbid curiosity. Moving along. I will now field some questions from the floor.

Is Drew fine?
No, not all.

Is he at least attractive?
Sure, I guess. Definitely not ugly. I never really thought about it before.

Does he have a nice body?
In his defense, he's working on that.

Is he sexy?

Well...what exactly do you see him?
Hmm...that's a good question. Lust is blind.

I guess the factor that ropes me in is he has the ability to keep that part of his life so damn private. Men usually can't shut up about their sex lives if their getting some, and if they're not bringing it up they find some way to work it back into the conversation. I didn't even know Drew had sex until a week ago, and he does, quite a bit. That's hot.


a said...

Ohmigod, I think I know who you're talking about.

He's very nice.

cookie21204 said...

Give me a hint as to who you think I'm talking about um.

a said...

Well, it sounds like you're talking about someone who enjoys turkey burgers...but is very very straight and narrow.

cookie21204 said...

yup, you're right.

Unknown said...

I think you should try him and see what he is talking about. You know you wont be able to get it out of your head unless you get a taste. And make sure you make a blog entry about the encounter.

a said...


That's insane.