Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Desperate dot com part 2

You just knew it was going to be a part two, didn't ya

No, since my last post, it has not been my last visit to adult friend finder, I am shamed to admit. So since I believe my last experience has reached finality (is that a word?), I can talk about it with my head hung in shame.

I have not stopped reading the emails on the site, until one finally caught my attention. His profile went something like this:

I am a chill guy who usually goes out, but I am looking for someone to stay in with me. Going down on a girl is the best thing in the world to me, so if you can hang shoot me an email.

After a little investigative research by Addam and I, we found his profile on the face book and he was hella cute. I was going to leave it alone, but he gave me his yahoo screen name, and of course, I have a story to tell.

I was bored one night sitting in the house, going on about 2 months with no sex because I about had it with my former f.b. So I decided to talk to my dear chill guy to see what he was all about. We had actually a nice little two hour conversation on line, he was witty, funny, sexy and I was reluctantly intrigued.

So since its adult friend finder, he knew what he was there for, so the question came up. I played coy and said that I had company coming over and maybe later on in the week. He said we could meet, and we didn't have do anything. Of course, it was an obvious lie, but I appreciated the fact that he did lie. Then I offered to come over his house, and he kept making excuses for me not to. Which said to me, maybe he thought I was crazy. I though it was great, because if he was that paranoid about me being crazy, that means that he probably wasn't. So finally after a lot of dirty talk, I broke down and let him come over. I know..I know, it was stupid and a risk, but I did it and it was done, accept consequences later.

Fifteen minutes later, he was here, hot and reeking of axe effect.

Ten minutes after that, I officially became a slut.

Afterwards, it was weird, because he left me wanting more, but it was bad because its was adult friend finder, not the website you use to help search for your soulmate. I wasn't looking for any kind of friendship or companionship at all after that, just kind of hoping for a hookup on a regular basis. He played coy, and left.

I've talked to him online only a couple of times since then and I can tell by his attitude that he does this quite a bit, and its only going to be chalked up to a one night stand. Its cool, though. No regrets. But since I got burned, I am officially, officially, for real done with adult friend finder.


Unknown said...

Did I ever tell you that you were the coolest? Well now u've earned another title: THE RANDIEST!
U just couldnt leave well enough alone could you? Curiosity sure ate **err** killed this cat. But im not sure why you think you got burned. It was a f.b. hook up site and that goal was achieved. Mission acomplished! Well done! Uhh Houston we have no problems here. Dont be a quiter. And I know we get more details than that.

trejan29 said...

I'm completely speechless (for once)

Massander said...

Wow. I've phucked women I just met the day before and all, but I have never brought myself to actually feeling good about about the internet hook up or gratuitous hook ups on that level. It's not that my standards are extra special in some way. Honestly I don't even understand the method to my madness. I just know that you were able to take it a lot further than I could. More power to ya!

cookie21204 said...

I had a really good experience this time, but you have to treat it as what is, a one-time thing.

The G Perspective said...

Wow, haven't been here in a while. Seems like you've taken some interesting steps. Makes for good blog material. You seeemed to have made it out of this situation ok though. No serious scars. Don't feel bad when one of these days he comescallin again and you're down.