Monday, January 23, 2006

Talk to myself

This has nothing to do with the topic, but Trina is not, repeat not going to be on Desperate Housewives, thank the Lord Jesus. I don't know if any of you have heard that rumor, but I for one had a mild stroke when I did.

I feel bad for you men. No wonder you have so much trouble. I've been noticing recently that girls talk a lot, I mean a lot. Not so much "I can't keep a secret, a lot", but "I can't shut up talking about myself who by the way is not very interesting" a lot. I don't have a lot of female friends, but the ones I do have do not have other female friends, because they for real cannot stop talking.

Its fine when you are natrually outgoing and you generally like getting to know about other people, that's fine. Its fine when your frustrated and venting. Its fine if you have a exciting job, and travel you have a lot to say. Its fine when you have an engaging personality (not from your own assesment, but from observations of others). Its also fine when you occasionally let the other person get a word in edgewise, and listen to them when they do. But when you go on for 30 minutes about what color your hair used to be, so much that you don't notice that the other person is not responding to anything you say? Houston, you have a problem.

Attention whore at the part time job talks like that. She lives with her husband who is a mechanic, and does nothing else but sit at home and be a mechanic, but she not only will she talk non-stop about her husband sitting at home being mechanic, she finds a way to relate it to your own personal everyday issues.

For example:

"I bought these new pants yesterday, and I don't think they fit. I'm taking them back."

"Oh, the same thing happened to Kenneth last week, and this man at his job told him to go to this store and pick these blue pants that will fit him better than the ones he has now and (insert who gives a shit here)". Are you kidding me?

It is my natrual reation to let myself not be an asshole, but believe me if I don't say it I'm damn sure going to have a look on my face that does.

The person who I spoke of earlier who talked for 20 minutes about being blond last year, was a new girl that was just hired. Who may very well be a nice person, but I don't give a shit because she talks too damn much. She even turned to me and said, "You're so quiet, I don't understand it." No bitch, of course you don't. I usually enjoy conversations with people. You know what conversations are, right? No? Exchanges? Reciprocity? Any one of these words clickin' the ol' noggin? Didn't think so.

The ghetto bitch who I used to get into it with all the time who worked here, never even stopped to take a breath. Now that I think about it, our fights usually started by me walking to the back going, "Oh my God, what the fuck, do you ever shut up!!!".

I know there are some truly wonderful females out there, I have met them and have been fortunate enough to be good friends with some of them. My best friend is definately the best girl I know. So I'm wondering is this an epidemic I don't know about? Is it new, and most importantly...Is this what it takes to get a man?


Honest said...

uh I'm not a relationship expert but talking non stop is NOT good.

Unknown said...

I think she is probably just lonely and trying her best to make you like her. You know how some people talk about themselves in an attempt to break the ice to get you to talk about yourself also? Sometimes it works but it appears that this time it isn't.