Thursday, June 29, 2006

The Plight of the Needy Woman

I've been wanting to write about this for a while, but I just never found a way to express it. But there are straight up, a lot of needy ass women in this world. And I can spot one a mile away, and predict the disaster that ensues later.

I consider myself somewhat of an expert on this subject because a) I am a direct descendant of the needy of all that is mother.
b) because the neediness is in my genes, I have also battled the needy disease quite a few times in my life. Kind of like a vampire fighting his thirst for blood. Kind of like Blade, yeah, that's Blade.

I define needy as someone who literally defines themselves by a man, who can not do anything without their man, who will suffocate themselves if their man even threatens to leave them. Which is why, the said man stays with them in the first place, for fear of what will happen if they don't.

Neediness translates very seamlessly into other behavior patterns as well, the most recognizable one being extreme aggressiveness. If a needy woman does not get what she wants when she wants, she will cut you. What happens is her man disappoints her in some way, and because she is scared to death to piss off said man she will never say anything out of turn to him, but instead she will vent her frustrations on any and everything that does not go her way.

I will use as a basis for plot outline, my friend Jessica. Jessica has never had a real boyfriend before, until she met Bob 2 years ago. Bob is everything she's always wanted, tall, cute, articulate and on top of that they share the same interests. Jessica hits the jackpot. Well, see Bob has been in a relationship before and still talks to her, so he pretty much could give a shit about the "building a future together" deal.

Bob has broken up with Jessica twice before because he said he did not want to get too involved, to which Jessica called incessantly because she just wanted to "hang out".
Jessica has a nice paid for house that she owns, but because Bob won't stay there Jessica stays in Bob's shitty apartment, all the time. Bob was accepted to grad school in Brooklyn, so Jessica offers to go. He did not ask her, she offered. This from her mouth, mind you. She says she wants to be in New York for her art career, but keep in mind I've known her for about 3+ years and I have never heard her mention a thing about moving to New York.

She's on the computer looking for apartments and working 8 hours a day, while Bob works his part time, chilling knowing that he's going to have a loan check come in soon and he does not have to do shit.

Last, but not least, Jessica could not stop whining about Bob. I politely suggest why not just let him go first, and when you get money saved up, you move up there later. That did not go over very well.

And Jessica bitched me out, literally threw a tantrum, the other day because I told her that I did not want to hear the name Bob or anything that rhymes with for the rest of the day.

**Holds up pom-poms and cheers*** NEEDY!

Women like this scare me. I understand the dealing with the daily trials and tribs. of low self-esteem but damn!! If you're that scared that he's going to leave you he probably does not want to be with you for real in the first place. Two, he's with you know, he's not going anywhere, so how's it going to be when you're in a place where you two know no one and you'll be clinging to him like a bump on a log.

Sorry, Jessica this will not end well, it never does.


a said...

Wow. That's a bit harsh about Jessica and Bob. I really don't know the details of their relationship that well; I just want her to be happy because she's a cool chick. I think it's good that she's moving on to NYC even if it might just be because of Bob. I think she'll get something out of the entire experience...that sort of environment is going to force her to be a bit more independent (it would anyone!). I'm sure she's scared shitless about moving. In the long run, I don't see how this move could be bad for her. New York is really where she needs to be if she's interested in art; she's young, why not? If she and Bob don't work out, they'll find out soon enough. And she'll still be young. So I don't see how this can be a bad thing for her.

I know you weren't a fan of Racey leaving with Jeff. I know she moved back, but I don't know why...I'm assuming that she and Jeff broke up. I guess the difference is that I see Jessica going out and doing things in New York, while Racey would talk about playing housewife all the time. That had to have put pressure on their relationship.

Blah. I really don't know what I'm saying. I'm not one to analyze relationships; I don't know these people well enough to even have the right to.

cookie21204 said...

My bitterness most likely comes from the fact that I have to hear about it so much every day. I love Jessica, too but at the same time I wish she would move more on her own terms. She's doing everything, looking for his apartment, setting up all his stuff, while where they move is entirely dependent on his school and tuition money.
I'm not saying she will come back home, but I just hope she does not get hurt.

a said...

Ha. If you're tired of hearing about it all the time, you must have wanted to KILL me by the time I left.

Oh, wellz.


cookie21204 said...

no, not at all. You were different, trust me.

The G Perspective said...

wow! Pom poms. Did you do a little needy dance?

Anonymous said...

Hey mate just erreading and everythink you say is true i am sadly like the bob in your story my X is needy i txt her everyday if i dont once or whatever fight for valentienes day is one the sat i i offered sleep over for the fri and sat is Vday to hang out but sunday is my fathers birthday she abused me saing im selfish and the whole weekend is for us everythink is about her yet she tells me she cant live without me i dont contact her she does her emotional bullshit dont you even care this and that so your story aint harsh bitches like that dont appericate anythink and need it the hard way

cookie21204 said...

don't worry anonymous, some grow out of it. She'll get over it.