Tuesday, June 21, 2005

I'm gonna be alright

Yup. I believe that this is the pic that started it all. The pic that signaled the actual beginning of me working out. I remember when I saw the I'm gonna be alright video, she was sitting in a lawn chair with a bikini top on, as well as this picture and I thought silently to myself, " Damn, I really need to get my shit together." I really thought that I could look like that. So young, so delusional.

Funny thing is now, I think Jennifer Lopez is one of the most awkardly body shaped women I have ever seen. She has freaky big thighs and bird legs. Dudes always say that "ooh, she fine, ooh she got a nice ass body."
Truth of the matter is when J-ho ain't doing movies, she looks just like you and me. In fact, she looks a little like that bitch Melyssa Ford hoe on BET style.

May I present to you exhibit A:

Black men, I know you are sitting at the computer screen scratching your heads in amazement and you're thinking to yourself, what is possibly wrong with picture? Why is she speaking about this as if it is a negative thing? Well, let me break it down for ya. I will use myself is an example as it was broken down rather blatantly to me about a week ago. I was talking to black man about how I needed to stop eating all this junk and I need to take my fat ass to the gym and get my shit together. He replies, "For what?". I say, "well, I'm really out of shape and its staring to catch up to me."

To which he replies, and I promise I'm not making this up.....
"you don't need to do all that shit. As long as your stomach doesn't stick out more than your ass, you cool."

6 months worth of consistent gym hours completely down the shit hole. No wonder 50% of black women are obese. Shit, the only reason Star Jones lost weight because the doctor told her she was about to die.

Here is the real reason that black women go to the gym. I'm not even going to claim that we work out so that we can look good for ourselves crap because I'll be just as happy eating twinkies playing with fat rolls as I am killing myself unecessarily for 1994 Janet Jackson six pack if I'm by myself. "I'm working out to look good for me." What a bunch of bullshit.

The real reason that we work out is because we want to catch a man. Big shock, huh. Here's the plot twist. We want to have the ability to catch any man, not just a black one. Its a weird affirmation for us. Its also actually very insulting to black men.

If a black man hits on me, I say he must have been looking at my ass. If a white dude looks at me, I say, damn I must be looking good today. White men usually aren't into the big ass thing, so if they hit on you, 9 times out of 10 they are looking at your whole body, not just your ass. Yes, a lot of them are into big boobs, but they won't say anything to you unless your skinny as well. Then you walk around thinking you're the shit. In a nutshell, the whitest white man will not even look in your direction unless your shit is on point... Or if he has some kind of an exotic fetish.


cookie21204 said...

yes, but aren't you just as satisfied with yourself at your natrual state as you are toned. You get to eat what you want, you can drink as much as you want. And you dn' have to worry about the bullshit povided by some dude.

emeralda said...

i have the same problem and i am white. once that there is a guy in sight i go like : o cool now i have a reason to work out. no matter whether black or white. but wonder oh wonder, there are also white dudes who just like me that way. fuck. so no workout this time. i really wound up doing workout only and only because i wanna feel good and fit. thats all. dont worry bout my thighs no more. but matter of fact, and i can absolutely relate to you here, black men are really hitting more on me than the white college students that are sometimes kinda interesting too. and, you figure, it always makes me wonder. i go like oh damn, yeah, i fucking KNOW I AM YOUR TYPE!!! lucky me, that i am also more attracted to black people than white. god has some sort of funny sense for justice in the end.
glad i stopped by. good blog to read. good writing style. try to come back here...

i absolutely loved what lauryn hill said on her unplugged cd. about the thing like 'let your belly out and then we can all walk around and say oh you ve got one TOO??' but sure, she is very hot anyways in both senses so what the hell ;-)