Monday, June 27, 2005

Stability Ball

Hah, I finally broke my streak of posting every Tuesday.. I've noticed the last month I've posted every Tuesday, but its Monday and I am posting, so there.

So I was talking with my best friend the other day and she seemed very shocked and appalled by the number of people who have experimented sexually with the same sex. In fact, she was recalling a story about a friend of hers in college who have fooled around with a girl sober. While she was telling me this story over the phone, I can sense the sheer look of terror on her face while she was telling it. She was terrified by the sheer number of people who had done this. I don't blame her for being terrified at all, but what I was shocked by was how different our reactions were. I was kind of like oh, well she fooled around with a girl. She was near fainting. Not her fault, the only reason that she feels this way is because now say with me slowly...

She's in a stable relationship.

Not just a relationship, black people, a stable one. One where you're not cheating on your man or constantly worrying about is he cheating on you even though you still stay with his trifing ass. One where both of you support yourselves, not one carrying the other financially, not one where your argue every single day, and then have make-up sex. Stable, drama queens, stable. He can stay gone all day and he does not have to call you every 5 minutes, his female friend from back in the day is nothing but his female friend, you don't know the password to his voicemail because its his personal business and you don't need it!!

A lot of us don't know what that's like, I sure as hell don't.

When you are in a stable relationship, you actually believe that the single people in the world are not desperate and depraved individuals. We are. You believe that the single people in the world have not done anything out of the ordinary sexually, and if we have we're embarrased to talk about it. We're not. You actually believe that we long for the day to find our future spouse and we will be happy when that day comes. Wrong again. We lost all hope for that long time ago.

Basically the perenially single people in the world like myself, most of us are freaks. We have done some seriously deplorable shit. We did it partially because it was fun, and partially because we know in the back of our minds we have nothing to lose. Keep in mind, I know I'm not as bad as some other people I know. But keep in mind I have only had 2 real boyfriends my entire life.

As far as my views on the experimentation thing, I personally don't see the big deal. If you know you're not gay and you're pretty sure your not going to be anytime soon then what the hell. Don't even get me started on alcohol getting into the mix. It is probably the blame for at least 3/4 of the children in the United States. I don't necessarily know about alcohol inhibiting your judgement or turning you into a different person, but I know when alcohol is involved my body reacts faster than my brain.

So for you single people out there experiment and drink your life away, why not? you ain't got nobody.

For you people in a stable, happy, trusting, and wonderful relationship. Well, I really don't have words to express you right now because this a concept I have yet to comprehend.

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