Wednesday, March 09, 2005

A Life Less Ordinary

So I'm now a recently minted 26 year old. When I was younger, never in a million years would I have thought that I would be a person to work two mediocre jobs to make ends meet. I thought I would have a career by this point. To be perfectly honest, I really don't want a career. I am very blessed to have two jobs where I can pretty much do what I want a lot of the time. The actual effort comes in being here. I'd probably shoot myself in the head if I was crunching numbers everyday.

You see I used to be really smart when I was little, started walking at 7 months, reading by age 2, reading on a 4th grade level at age 5, skipped first grade. My mother loves to tell the story about me reading time magazine at th hospital when I was 4, a woman sitting next to her was laughing at me until mama actually made me read it back to her and she was shocked. I was one of those kids who hated school because they were bored all the time (I still actually feel that way, but I'm not as smart as I was when I was younger). I was always the nerd, the smartest person in class, the teacher's pet, also the one who got picked on. On top of the hell that I went through at school, I had two very strict parents. I wasn't allowed to go out at all, anywhere, boys were completely out of the question, and I couldn't even watch rated R movies. Then came college...duh, duh, duh...not much different there. For the first two years, I was a social leper. I had no idea how to dress because I had to go to catholic school grades K-12. My first college party I wore black clunky heels from payless with a knit dress from Deb (aka rainbow or any cheap ass 7 dollar clothes store that you have in your town). And yes, I thought I was the shit. So two years pass by, I fall out with all of my female friends on top of being ostracized by them, seriously start developing a super complex about my physical appearance because my male friends are using me to get to my female friends, blah blah, I hate my life. My last two years were fun, I actually developed some long lasting friendships, started getting laid by a football player (my first bootie call, sniff, wipe), and really learned how to act around people.

So now with my brain and my newly acquired social skills, I am unstoppable. I will win every company over with that I interview for with my new attitude, but no one will hire me!! I can't even get a job at walmart!! So heartbreak ensues, and I will have to come back home to the KUNTRY and live with my parents. Graduation day was spent having a nervous breakdown. After landing two super bullshit jobs, I super lucked up and got the job that I have now. One thing about living in small towns in the south, they'll give you benefits and discounts everywhere you go, but they don't like to pay you. I mean damn, a competitive salary is like the plague to these employers. But because jobs are scarce, you will see college graduates working as a computer programmer for 7.50 cents an hour. So after years of struggling and running up my credit cards, I broke down and got a part-time job. I was humiliated. I am a college graduate dammit!! I refuse to live like the common folk!!!! So now here I lie, working 12 hour days and 4 hour weekends. And I still had to borrow money from my father to get my car fixed. A former child prodigy who refused to bow down for the man, isn't life great!


The G Perspective said...

That's ok though. You're prepping yourself for your dream right? One day you'll be an actress and everyone will want to hear about how when you were 26 you had to borrow money from your parents. That way they'll know their dreams can come true also. said...

Happy Belated Birthday

Also, keep your head up. All the financial shit will work itself out in due time. Just keep working towards your goals.

At least that's what I keep telling my broke-ass self...LOL