Wednesday, March 23, 2005

This is for the one I love

I really don't like poetry all that much, I don't recogize good poetry when I hear it and to be quite honest, those poets on def poets on HBO sometimes get on my nerves. Even worse than poetry, I cannot stand love poems. For the most part, love poems are really corny, except when they're sex related. But I was told that I need to get my emotions out some way about my true feelings on love, so I wrote the following:
There is someone out there for everyone, and when you find that one who you love beyond the depths of what you can comprehend, you tend to write crap like this. If you really love that someone you will not be able to read any of the following statements without a smile or a nod. So here it goes:
This is for the one that I love and this is why I love you.

I love you for who you are as well as the person you strive to be
I like you for your positive qualities but I love you when they are included with your defects
I love you for not trying to be the type of person that I should love
I love you for your honesty whether it is good or bad
I love you for striving to be the best person possible at all possible times
I love the things you don’t even love about yourself
I love you because you deserve to have someone love you the way you should be loved
I love you for your support in everything even if it’s a cause that you dislike or are indifferent about
I love you for always living life by your own truth
I love you because I see nothing short of a beautiful future for you
I love you because there are not enough people who do
I love you because you never let negativity affect your emotions beyond your control
I love you because you if you were not a lover I will always trust you as a friend
I love you for never sacrificing who you are as well as the people who helped you become who you are
I love you because of the equal comfort level in your sexual being as well as your emotional being
I love you because you never disappoint the ones who do you love you
I love you and I will always love you with every ounce of my soul, even if you don’t love me back.

1 comment: said...

That's really nice. Very heartfelt.