Wednesday, May 11, 2005

"I'm not a player, I just crush a lot..." part 4

No, no sex yet. Close though. Lets just say something wicked did happen in the broom closet. Its not my fault, though. I was provoked..or poked...whatever!! I guess men have figured out by now that the easiest way to get sex is to act like they don't want any. We see right through that bullshit, but it doesn't make it any less hot. A lot of women base their self-esteem on how much stuff a man will do for them without sex being involved. For example, if they take them shopping or to dinner or something. Believe me, when this story is repeated to their girlfriends, believe me that a sentence will be included that states a version of the following..."Girl, I haven't even gave him none yet." Some women actually get a high off that shit. Most of the time they don't even like the guy. There are also two categories of women. The kind who like sex and the kind who love sex. The "likes" as I like to call them, usually have a boyfriend and they have sex with them because they feel like this is something that they should do just because their in a relationship. Also, these women usually have never had an orgasm. You can easily spot these. A girlfriend of mine actually told me that she didn't care if she had an orgasm or not, as long as the sex felt good she didn't care. Spoken like a true-orgasmless female. I know, I don't get it either.
The "loves", usually don't have a boyfriend, but they really love sex. Some may call these women hoes. I disagree. A hoe is someone who uses men to get what they want as far as financial or emotional incompleteness, but they sometimes don't even care about the person they're dealing with, they just need a man to prove their desirability. I sometimes call women hoes who aren't even having sex. (cough, cough, J-Lo, cough) Nothing wrong with a woman admitting she loves sex and she wants it any way she can get it. To find out if you are a like or a love all you have to is think about these questions. Do you have a boyfriend? If he wasn't your boyfriend, would you still sleep with him, and if he wasn't good in bed and you knew someone who was would you sleep with him? If you answered yes to either or both of the last two questions, you're a "love". To give you a hint as to what I am, I slept with my last boyfriend for a whole year after we broke up.


The Humanity Critic said...

Just passing through, but I must say that I am absolutley digging your blog.

cookie21204 said...

thanks I appreciate that. I guess you must be a freak too.

Unknown said...

Can a like be turned out into a love?

cookie21204 said...

no. me and love haven't had a good relationship.